Error Code
Error Code | Description |
101 | Missing mobile number. |
102 | Missing message. |
103 | Missing sender Id. |
104 | Missing Route. |
105 | Missing Authentication Key. |
106 | Missing country code. |
111 | Missing Principal Entity Id. |
112 | Missing DLT Template Id. |
113 | Missing SMS Panel Template Id. |
Error Code | Description |
202 | Invalid mobile number. You must have entered less than 10 digits or more. |
203 | Invalid sender ID. Your sender ID must be 6 characters, alphabetic. |
204 | Route could not be determined. Right route enter. |
Error Code | Description |
301 | Insufficient balance to send SMS. |
302 | This route is currently unavailable. You can send SMS from this route only between 9 AM - 9 PM. |
303 | Blocked user account. |
304 | Method not Allowed./ something was wrong, please try again. |
305 | SMS Panel Template Id not matched. |
306 | SMS Panel Template Id not matched. |
307 | Sender ID does not match the template. |
311 | Request discarded because same request was generated twice within 10 seconds. |